MJD Risk Insurance Brokers

Short Term Insurance and Risk Management Consultants

“Partners in your Risk”

Insuring your home at market value could cost you

South African residential property prices are experiencing continued downward pressure while the average cost of building new property continues to increase year on year with rising costs of materials and labour. The 2018/ 2019 Lightstone Property Forecast showed that the market ended close to 2.9% as opposed to the forecasted 3.8% in 2018. The current […]

Dropping insurance cover is a bad business strategy

Cutting back on business insurance when times are tough can really be tempting. After all, every cent counts, especially when sales are down or clients are taking longer than usual to settle their bills. That temptation could be short-sighted and end up costing you, as the business owner, far more than what you have saved […]

Cell phone insurance: A necessity or expensive luxury?

There is nothing that quite describes the feeling of dismay you feel when you see your cell phone flying gracefully through the air towards the pavement, or when it hurtles towards the water. Your stomach lurches as you ‘take a hit’ that is going to cost you money and cause a lot of inconvenience. The […]


The ever-present warning signs of remote-jamming at shopping malls, petrol stations and roadside stalls is a constant reminder of the very real threat of crime in South Africa. Perpetrators of car break-ins are rarely caught, making it one of the most common crimes in the country.  “If you haven’t been a victim of remote jamming, […]

New AARTO bill and the potential impact on your insurance premium

In a recent turn of events, President Cyril Ramaphosa has signedthe Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Bill into law. The bill proposes introduction of a demerit system for South African drivers, and it is expected to fundamentally change driving in the country. The AARTO Bill will result in the setting up of a demerit system for […]

Reckless driving can see your insurance claim rejected

Insurance won’t apply in cases of illegality and reckless behaviour The implications of driving under the influence of alcohol, without a valid driver’s licence or reckless driving can be profound– all can lead to an outright rejection of your insurance claim if there is an accident and damage or loss of property. Far worse, it […]

Good groundwork for short-term insurance

Having adequate short-term insurance cover is an important part of ensuring that your younger loved ones are well taken care of. When they leave home, preparing your older child (or perhaps a younger sibling, or friend) for the adult world ahead will help them make sensible moves towards a healthy financial future. These reminders are […]

How to determine a building’s insurance value

In estimating the replacement cost of a building, many will refer to a construction guide such as the Property & Construction Handbook published by AECOM. For example, the 2018 handbook recommends the following building rates per square metre for private dwellings (excl. VAT): – Economic: R5 000 – R6 300 – Standard: R6 300 – […]


Provided by Wilna Meiring, IRMSA Risk Intelligence Committee Member From online transactions and banking to shopping and gaming, cyber attackers are methodically finding new ways of using your devices against you, making each one of us increasingly vulnerable. In order to have a positive and safe experience in the digital world, we need to understand […]

Burst geysers never keep office hours

As the law of Murphy would have it, most people get to experience the inconvenience of a burst geyser or water pipe in the early hours of the morning, on a public holiday or over a long weekend, and usually when the temperature has taken a sub-zero plummet. “Winter – affectionately known as ‘geyser season’ […]

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