Here is a very interesting piece by Auto & General Insurance Company on the subject of Grid Failure:
What is an electrical grid failure?
Firstly, it’s important to note that electrical grid failure is different to load shedding. Simply, load shedding is a controlled interruption of electricity supply to prevent the collapse of the national power grid. Electrical grid failure is the total or partial loss of power – which could result in a total blackout for weeks and affect municipalities and public infrastructure.
Will I still be covered during electrical grid failure?
Electrical grid failure is not an insured peril. If you are claiming for damages that were not a direct result of electrical grid failure, as defined in your insurance policy, you will still have cover.
Will I still have cover for power surges after the electrical grid has been restored?
Yes, you will have cover for damage to the insured property due to a power surge.
Can I claim for deterioration of food during electrical grid failure?
No, deterioration of food due to electrical grid failure is not covered.
Can I claim for deterioration of food during load shedding?
Yes, deterioration of food due to load shedding will be covered subject to limitations set out in your policy schedule and policy wording.
Will my car insurance cover me when the traffic light is out due to electrical grid failure, and I have an accident?
Yes, you will still enjoy cover.
Will I still have theft cover during an electrical grid failure if the alarm at the risk address was not functional due to lack of battery support?
Yes, you will still have theft cover during electrical grid failure subject to the terms of your insurance policy. However, please note that it is a requirement of your policy to take all reasonable steps and precautions to prevent or limit any potential losses. You are therefore still required to take the necessary precautions to limit a loss.
What is meant by the exclusion of “consequential loss” caused by electrical grid failure?
This means that if a loss occurs as a consequence of electrical grid failure, like the deterioration of food in a fridge, water disruption resulting in geyser damage for example, a sewage system failure or a gas supply failure, it will not be covered as electrical grid failure is not an insured peril.
Can I buy cover for electrical grid failure?
It is not possible to provide cover for a complete failure of the electrical grid and the associated losses.