According to the latest SAPS crime stats released, car hijacking has increased by 14.5% across the country with Gauteng (+16.9%), Kwa-Zulu Natal (+21.5%) and Mpumalanga (+28.8%) provinces recording the highest increases. The statistics tell the story of 16 717 cars that were hijacked between April 2016 to March 2017, equating to a staggering average of 46 vehicles hijacked every day in South Africa.
“The key in mitigating crime risk is to be vigilant, understand how and when such crimes are most likely to happen and to take pro-active and preventative measures to mitigate them,” says Mandy Barrett of insurance brokerage and risk advisors, Aon South Africa. “Most hijackings happen in the driveway of its victims so it is absolutely vital to stay alert, especially as we head into the festive season which normally sees an uptick in vehicle theft and hijackings.”