Keyless car theft: What is Relay Crime?
Please take a moment to read the article in the below link written by One Insurance about the above topic..
Fidelity ADT’s Fire Solution’s top fire prevention tips when using alternative energy sources:
CandlesEnsure candles are placed in a suitable holder.Candles should never be left unattended, especially on a combustible surface.Keep matches/lighters/other ignition sources out of reach of children. Generators/invertersEnsure generators are only operated in well ventilated areas to avoid carbon monoxide/dioxide vapours causing a toxic inhalation risk.Generators do not have earth leakage protection like that installed on […]
Grid Failure
Here is a very interesting piece by Auto & General Insurance Company on the subject of Grid Failure: What is an electrical grid failure? Firstly, it’s important to note that electrical grid failure is different to load shedding. Simply, load shedding is a controlled interruption of electricity supply to prevent the collapse of the national […]
Clients will get nothing if the electricity grid goes pop
16 February 2023 Gareth Stokes After 200-plus days of loadshedding in 2022 and Stage 2 or higher each day this year, South Africans are gatvol. Unfortunately, the ongoing threat to the national power grid has caught the attention of the country’s short-term insurers too, forcing them to start the New Year by informing brokers and […]
The role of cyber liability insurance in protecting SA businesses
COVER Web Magazine – FeatureFILED UNDER: JANUARY 2023 EDITION By: Karen Rimmer, Head of Distribution at PSG Insure According to recent research, South Africa is the world’s sixth biggest cybercrime hotspot, with ransomware attacks alone have doubled over the last year. For Karen Rimmer, Head of Distribution at PSG Insure, this is a stark reminder that […]
Toyota Vehicle Security System Upgrades
Article by Hollard – Dec 2022 In response to the rising vehicle theft cases seen both locally and globally, Toyota South Africa have developed upgrades to the vehicle security system on certain key models. These upgrades are deemed to have a significant impact in the reduction of vehicle theft cases. The upgrades will be applicable to certain […]
Tips to avoid vehicle theft – by Tracker
Tracker’s latest Vehicle Crime Index covering the period January to June 2022 reveal that incident volumes have increased to pre-Covid lockdown levels across the country. Vehicle theft is up 7% nationally by volume with hijackings up 4% over the previous review period. The elevation can partly be attributed to increased vehicle usage following a return […]
Facing Danger – Emergency Preparedness
By Tracker 20 June 2022 As South Africans, we face numerous dangers every day. High up on the list is the possibility of being a victim of crime, either at home or on the road, or being involved in a car accident. Other traumatic events can include being caught up in a violent protest, a […]
Load shedding Tips from Discover Insure
Loadshedding has become a part of the daily lives of South Africans all over the country. In 2022, we had 960 hours of national loadshedding* and recently reached stage 6, further increasing outages. With increased loadshedding comes a bigger chance of electrical faults that lead to power surges, overloading and shorting electrical appliances. In the […]
Explaining terms commonly used in insurance
By Insurance Gateway Making better decisions about your risk and insurance starts with having a clear understanding of the common terms and definitions used in your insurance policy. In its absence, many individuals may only discover a specific exclusion or condition of cover at claims stage which may adversely affect the outcome of a claim. […]