MJD Risk Insurance Brokers

Short Term Insurance and Risk Management Consultants

“Partners in your Risk”

Are you financially protected if your child is injured at school?

Approximately 11 million children will be going to school this month with some of these children participating in various sporting disciplines, ranging from athletics, rugby, hockey, netball, soccer and cricket, in the hope of becoming the new national sports heroes. While it is never pleasant to think about negative occurrences with one’s children, failing to […]

Increased liability risk in the hospitality sector caused by load shedding

Rolling blackouts have once again become a regular occurrence in South Africa as Eskom commenced with the implementation of its load shedding schedule this month. News that the utility is facing massive financial and operational challenges does not bode well for businesses as continued load shedding significantly increases business risks. Not only are many companies […]

Insurance risks regarding fire

Over the past few weeks devastating fires have swept across areas in and around Cape Town, creating severe damage to properties. With firefighters still trying to get many of the blazes under control, people who live in the affected areas are at risk of suffering huge financial losses as the infernos advance closer to residential […]

Insurance and load-shedding: what you need to know

With load-shedding on the menu again, we could be in for an interesting few weeks – particularly as far as our appliances are concerned. That’s the warning from Wynand van Vuuren, client experience partner at King Price, who says TV sets, fridges and computers are at particular risk of being damaged by power surges, which […]

Why Cyber Insurance should be first priority for SMEs

According to the global Cyber Exposure Index, South Africa currently has the sixth highest average exposure to cybercrime, with businesses in the industrial and financial sectors being the most commonly targeted by cybercrime attacks. In fact, a global report by the Ponemon Institute has revealed that around 61% of small businesses experienced a cyber-attack in […]

Fire safety on the home front

Use home chemicals safely for fire safety Countless household goods contain flammable chemicals, while those containing non-flammable chemicals can come in combustible packaging. There are several examples of common chemical-laden products you’ll find in your home. Each carry the risk of fire if not properly handled or stored, and we often forget how dangerous some […]

What first-time vehicle owners need to consider

Getting your first car? Insurance should be your first consideration. As the year draws to a close, one thing that many South Africans are hopeful for is a bonus or thirteenth cheque to supplement their spending over the December holidays. With the added boost of income, this is also the period during which first-time vehicle buyers […]

Load shedding risks calls for vigilance

Eight simple steps to ensure you are protected Following the recent countrywide implementation of stage 2 load shedding by state power utility, Eskom, South Africans are cautioned to protect themselves, their property and their valued belongings. There are grave potential financial repercussions of not only the load shedding process, but also the dangerous power surges […]

What’s your ‘Home’ for the holidays?

Whether your home for the holidays is an exotic beach cabana, a cosy tent and caravan in the bush, or the simple pleasures of rest and relaxation at your very own ‘home sweet home’, make sure you take care of these important safety checks and balances so that nothing comes between you and a well-deserved […]

Proving ownership not easy

Proving ownership of household items when claiming from your insurer is not as easy as it may seem.  Often the insured has not drawn up a proper inventory of all of his or her household possessions prior to submitting a claim or even prior to the inception of cover with their insurer. Many consumers are […]

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