You no longer have to engage the major banks for vehicle registration and deregistration documents.
SIS are registered and fully operational on the InsTrack System and will be bringing all total loss administration in-house for claims with a date of loss from the 01st January 2022 onwards.
You must not request the settlement letter which no doubt is a relief for them, as we will now do it via InsTrack otherwise we need to pay another fee to the bank before the Bank will release our documents which just increases our mutual claims costs.
To this end, please take note of the following two processes:
When there is finance on a vehicle:
- Complete and share the below form with Belinda ( and Siphe (
- SIS (Belinda/Siphe) will register the claim on the Instrack System and request the Settlement Letter and a copy of the Natis
- SIS (Belinda/Siphe) will receive the Settlement Letter and a copy of the Natis
- SIS (Cherene) drafts the AOL and will share this with you for the insured’s signature
- Request payment once the insured has signed the AOL and you have shared this with SIS
- SIS (Belinda/Siphe) request and have the original Natis delivered to the SIS offices once the claim has been settled
- SIS (Savannah/Karen) will scan and upload a copy of the original Natis onto the system and notify you once the process has been completed
NB This process will speed up the claims process for your valued clients therefore please do remember to send Belinda the complete InsTrack form as soon as you are aware of the write off and also copy in Cherene.
When there is no finance on a vehicle:
- There is no need to complete the attached form
- SIS (Cherene) drafts the AOL and will share this with you for the insured’s signature
- Request payment once the insured has signed the AOL and you have shared this with SIS
- Payment will only be released once SIS has received the original Natis document from the you/insured
- Your SIS Claims Handler can assist in obtaining the original Natis document and, if necessary, also assist in coordinating a courier service
- SIS (Savannah/Karen) will scan and upload a copy of the original Natis onto the system and notify you once the process has been completed
We trust that the above process will improve the efficiency of the Total Loss Administration process into the future.